Bird-Guy’s Bird

I had started working on the other minis’ armor highlighting and details specifically to procrastinate on making a decision on how to color bird-guy’s bird (how to color the Skysplinter Assassin’s razorwing).

Hand of the Archon in progress

But after 4 elves, I was so sick of armor highlights that I actually painted the bird to avoid more armor.

Bird-guy’s bird

The back of bird-guy’s bird

As I child I always really liked the look of scarlet macaws, so I colored the razorwing to be inspired by that.

Suede in the Rain

I wore my suede jacket to the beer garden today, but it started raining on my way biking back home. It was raining about a half hour earlier than expected, alas.

I took shelter under some awning and waited for a break in the rain

Sheltering under some awning

And a break did come! I was halfway home and things were looking pretty good, but then in the last half it started dumping again

The plan did not work and I did not stay dry

I ended up soaked 🙁