Thirty Years Old!

Yes, I have turned 30 years old this week! I had a lot of fun celebrating with everybody.

First, Doc booked a session for us at Dore Studio to get some glamour shots done. I wanted the whole glamorous experience, so I even had them do my makeup for me.

Makeup by Dore Studio

To be honest, I’m not really a makeup person, and it was weird to have so much on. I hardly recognized myself in the mirror! But it was a lot of fun, and all part of the experience of looking really, incredibly glamorous.

I also found out that it is difficult to photograph makeup to show that you are wearing a lot. It seems that makeup is actually really good for cameras, but doesn’t look that good in real life (my opinion). I don’t think this photo accurately conveys how much makeup I had on. But I digress…

The ladies at Dore Studio really knew how to direct people for a photo shoot (which is good, because Doc and I are awful models), and they had a really good eye for what worked and what looked good. True professionals!

Then, for dinner Doc had it catered by FOB Kitchen, which is always amazing. They even printed out little “Happy Birthday Christine” menus, which I feel was above and beyond their responsibilities. And of course, everything tasted amazing, including some of the new dishes we got to try. Always a hit! They are so accommodating and kind.

I also made a big wheel of farmhouse cheddar to be my “birthday cheese.” So that, when it is my birthday next year, I will know that the cheese is 1 year old when I eat it.

I also also got my hair cut. I attempted to do a Liberty Curl, but it kind of looked like a big pompadour or something. Which was also cool! But one day I will master the Liberty Curl. One day.

New Haircut

I couldn’t be happier with the new haircut. Hooray! Birthday!

Author: Steen

Steen is a nerdy biologist who spends a lot of time trying to cultivate Chloroflexi, who also likes to draw comics, play video games, and climb.

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