
You may recall that I was going to post about the mask-making process this week, but it turns out this weekend was Halloween for Adults and everybody scheduled all their 100s of events within the same 48 hours, so I did not write said writeup.

I did have a lot of fun at birthdays and Puppet Death Match, though!

And I ended up wearing the Dagoth Ur costume continuously for about 12 hours (noon – midnight), which was alright, but by the end of the night the makeup was rubbing off in high friction areas like the neck. Overall it held up though.

New Haircut

Welp, I got a new haircut this weekend, AND I’ve finished my Halloween costume. However, I want to wait to get some nicer photos of it before sharing, so I won’t spoil it. You’ll have to wait until next week to see it 🙂

So for now, you will have to look at my new hair and imagine what my Halloween costume might be…

New Haircut

24 Hour Comic Book Day 2018

Welp, another 24 Hour Comic Book Day has come and gone!

Unfortunately, I foolishly decided to do my comic about dancing disease. This means several panels full of crowds of dancing people. Yeesh, big mistake :-/

Progress pic with coffee in foreground

Next year I’ll have to write a comic about a single person trapped in a single bare room!

If I never draw a dancing person again so long as I live, it will be too soon