The Silver Staff of Peace


OK I know it seems bad and that Steen is really giving Master Aryon some mixed signals, but I had a very good reason for doing this! You see, the place where I store all my sentimental Morrowind items is… on Aryon’s floor. Sooo, it was only logical that the Silver Staff of Peace went straight there. And I really was super stoked to receive it. So there, no mixed signals after all! The Silver Staff of Peace got treated with deference after all. As to whether Aryon saw it that way… well…

Additionally in my defense, when I had to give the staff to Fast Eddie when I named him my Mouth, I knew exactly where the staff was. Unlike all the multitudes of people that sold/lost it. They kind of have my sympathies… but not really.

Going to pick it up to give to Eddie was probably pretty awkward, though. Imagine:

Aryon: Oh, Steen! You’re back!
Steen: Oh, hey Aryon, I’m uhh… just here to pick up some of my stuff.
*Steen fidgets around a bit, then picks up the staff*
Steen: Ah, there it is… right where I left it.
Aryon: … What are you finally going to do with that staff?
Steen: Oh, uhh, oh. This? Yeah. I’m just gonna give it to uhh, Fast Eddie, you know. He seems like a cool guy and all. It’s like, the traditional gift for a Mouth.
Aryon: So it is.
Steen: Anyway, so yeah, I’ll see you around?

Eat Your Heart Out

Eat Your Heart Out

Things can get weird when you’re born under the Sign of the Atronach. Like, you can cast amazing spells that most could never even dream of! But you also spend all your time THINKING about magicka and scrounging for magicka potions/ingredients and clearing out all the Mage’s Guild’s supply chests and budgeting your magicka and obsessing over it.

Sometimes (early in the game) I even found myself seeking out bandit caves, thinking “bandits usually have at least one mage in their group…” then finding said mage, and just standing there letting him bathe me in flames so I could absorb some magicka back.

And yes, I have chowed down on raw daedra hearts. Void and frost salts are just TOO DARN RARE! And I almost always did have, like, 50 lbs of daedra hearts. Sooooooo…

(Of course, once I installed the Blood Moon expansion and there were just piles of belladonna berries lying around on the ground, things didn’t feel quite so lean…)

Julie d’Aubigny

So I did this year’s 24 Hour Comic Day about my own personal hero, Julie d’Aubigny. AKA Mademoiselle Maupin.

Fencing and kissing. Fencing and kissing.

I’m less happy that I didn’t come up with my own original story for this year’s comic, but I just was hitting a block so I just started drawing Julie d’Aubigny’s life story. It is something!

Other people seem to like it well enough, though. It is hard to go wrong with fencing and kissing on every page!