Escape from the Wall

Back over Thanksgiving weekend, Doc and I got obsessed with and binge-watched Attack on Titan. We are also huge fans of the Escape from the Room games, so of course we leapt at the opportunity to play the Attack on Titan themed escape game.


Our group successfully escaped, and we had a lot of fun. Doc wanted to cosplay for the event, but we didn’t really pull that together in time. Meg did cosplay as Mikasa, though!

Brick and Mortar Show

Tonight, Doc and I played a show at the Brick and Mortar Music Hall with Curious Quail and Crashfaster.

Thanks to everybody who came out! I had a great time, and the audience was very fun.

We also got to play two new songs tonight, which I think were some of the best songs of the night.

By-the-way, I really like all the graffiti in the women’s bathroom at Brick and Mortar. It is some pretty amazing graffiti, and knowing that it was all drawn by women for women somehow makes it… intimate.

I can’t really explain it, but it is like all the graffiti is a secret for just us ladies, and none of it is intended for male approval. I don’t know why this matters so much for how I love it on an artistic level, but it does.

Bike Trip to Marin

The Golden Gate Bridge was closed to cars (for construction – they’ve FINALLY put that movable barrier on it), so we decided to bike to Sausalito today. It was a lot of fun, but of course lots of other people had the same idea, so the bridge was pretty packed. It was still super interesting to watch the construction workers do their thing!

Doc and Mike on the Golden Gate Bridge
Doc and Mike on the Golden Gate Bridge
A Peace March on the Golden Gate
There was also a peace march going on while we were there
Construction workers on the Golden Gate Bridge
Some of the construction workers on the Golden Gate Bridge today

Also, lots of people were super determined to keep riding their bikes all the way across the bridge, which seemed crazy to me. The walking/biking path was packed full of people, so it didn’t really seem worth it to us. But! Lots of people did just that, nonetheless.