While walking around the Mission aimlessly on June 2nd, Doc and I wandered into Carousel Consignment to browse their wares. There we found a full set of depression-era uranium dioxide glassware:
Since Doc and I don’t have much space, and don’t do much entertaining (these two points are actually related), we went in on the set with Jon, who was pleased to have something to finally test his Geiger counter on.
They’re nice and purdy, with or without a UV light, and they have become our “special occasion” glassware.
Now we just need to buy some tonic water, fill them up, and check out how the two fluorescent sources look together under UV.
I’ll try to get some today.
I should probably also mention that we need our own UV light, so we don’t always have to use other peoples’. Or we could charge admission for people to come shine their black lights on a genuine uranium class cup full of tonic 😀