The Lady of Uvirith (Better Together)

This is an admittedly bizarre idea that was cracking me up for a while. So even though it is incredibly surreal and meta, I drew it anyway.
Basically, I was wondering who was the Lord/Lady of Uvirith when you don’t join House Telvanni. Turns out Reynel Uvirith is the Lady of Uvirith. But I died laughing when I saw the picture because Reynel Uvirith has the exact same face and robes and hair color/texture etc as my Steen did. So as a joke I decided that Reynel Uvirith was Steen and that Steen was Reynel Uvirith. Reynel “Steen” Uvirith, I guess.
So this hypothetical bizarro-Steen, let’s call her Neets, never joined House Telvanni and wishes to go see who ended up becoming Aryon’s protege and building Tel Uvirith anyway.

Congratulations Aryon, now you have two of them! (Steen is known to be a challenging protege)

Across the Aisle

Steen is possibly not the most welcome guest in Llethri Manor, though I cannot imagine why

The last time Steen was in Llethri Manor, the Darts of Judgement mysteriously went missing. But I’m sure that’s all just a big coincidence. Obviously, Steen is a big-time important politician now – look at her! Reaching across the aisle, trying to form a Redoran/Telvanni coalition to fight together against Imperialist injustices and bust the Mages Guild Monopoly! So suave! So mature! Clearly Steen wouldn’t know anything about the darts, what are you implying?