Lessons of Vivec Generator

I was playing Morrowind just now, and as I was reading one of the 36 Lessons of Vivec, two thoughts came to me in rapid succession:

  1.  These things sound like a Markov chain generator wrote them
  2.  I should write a Markov chain generator to write new lessons of Vivec

So I did.

Just think of all the new and revolutionary knowledge this could unlock for us! CHIM for everybody!

It was just something quick and fun I did, I haven’t refactored it at all, so while it is fully functional it is somewhat messy. One day I will re-write it in something like Rust or C, so I can just have an executable for people who want to play with it but don’t want to have to install Ruby. But today is not that day.

If you want to make your own, I’ve pushed it up to GitHub here: https://github.com/Steenaire/lessons_of_vivec_generator

Anyhow, this is an example of the sort of thing it spits out when I feed it all 37 of the 36 lessons (yes, there are actually 37):
No perils are the netchiman’s wife and was not a hammer.

Then Vivec could do you will.

Vivec spoke two Dwemeri high priests stir up invalidating the Big Moon, further from the promise of swords.

Seht to show the star-wounded East, under the House he had the place it had built against her and cut her belly with six cutting strokes. The Dwemer said, ‘I am the day you in, mantra and its segments had the sun by violence and told him in the error of Veloth, creating the mouth with happiness. ’ Second, he no guarantees made the word of the twin gates of the sea, Vivec was a crown. Walk across the high priests stir up together, combining as a span of Boet-hi-Ah.

‘I would prefer,’ he recalled the Striking. That way than the awe of bones. He destroyed by our former meanings, like a trick worthy of a mystic that was of modular warriors who told the Scaled Blanket is attached to hide theirs from it out,

Ayem and so married him deny Ayem the black sea. My brooding has something the Hortator was a legion of Muatra and Vivec pierced Horde Mountain slowed its medicinal nature ‘I am needed from the wheel,’ he said, ‘New emotions to the settled a legion of the Hortator Nerevar, who fell and thrown out and notice if you will rule nothing. His head of corresponding conditions and knew the northern men, crusty with the wisdom they are controversial.’


This magic hermaphrodite. Mark the time to spears, so the majesty sideways and looked into hardening resin, until mystery and mighty killers and the lands of the slave that chose a view primarily based on his lord’s answer. ‘Why are those brave souls around it. Trinity in unholy number. Which of the devout and beautiful, skin of days with the bright, terrible angel of its under-skin. I wanted it was saying this: it there came the monster, called Fa-Nuit-Hen, or beautiful. ’


Certitude is the immutable. Cosmic time to exist in silence, for ruling king is the arts of the short season of royalty.

The contents spread out of falsehood; even looking. Hoary Magnus and offer instructions to the illuminations, inscribed by wearing it. ALTADOON AI, the fourth walking star, which the Trinimac-eaters. Pitch your will murder him never known children since. Vivec donned a century of detail!

He reached into the ribcage of truth: by Velothi cheered.

Chemua, the sun by a star, which will return, he talked harshly:

The effigies of iron vapor and with the enemy children. Molag Bal crushed the exact model, but Vivec was of the reptile wheel, coiled potential, ever-preamble to place to the House.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.


Google Location History Data Part IV

I’ve returned to my Google Location History Data (the previous installment of which is here), to implement something I had been thinking about for a while: setting a maximum time threshold for how far apart (temporally) two coordinate pairs (of the same activity type) can be and still be considered part of the “same trip.” Figuring out this threshold isn’t as obvious as I was originally thinking, but I still think I got something meaningful out of this exercise. I think a spread of 10 minutes obviously encompasses the same trip, but what about an hour? In many cases, likely not.

Recall that of ~1,000,000 data points (over 3 years), only 288,922 had any activities associated with them. This means, for the 1,000,000 data points, I have (on average) one point for every 31 seconds. For the 288,922 activity-associated data points, I have (on average) one point for every 109 seconds. So, the threshold will have to at least be 109 seconds, but most likely higher.

So I futzed around with the threshold a lot to see how that changed the results. I think 15-20 minutes is a pretty good threshold without allowing a ton of noise in, but the average miles/day for all the activities still seems pretty low with that threshold. The true number might lie somewhere closer between 20m and 1h. Or maybe I just don’t go as far as I imagine I do!

I wrote the threshold decider stuff in Ruby, because I had initially written the “sort-by-activities” script in Ruby (this was before I knew I was going to use Python for Basemap etc). And I had already written the Haversine script in Ruby, and I wanted to reuse that. Oh, well. Maybe one day I will normalize everything to be in Python, for consistency’s sake.

#Uses the Haversine formula to calculate the distance between two lat, long coordinate pairs
def haversine(old_lats_longs, new_lats_longs)
  lat1 = old_lats_longs[0]
  lon1 = old_lats_longs[1]
  lat2 = new_lats_longs[0]
  lon2 = new_lats_longs[1]

  r = 6371000
  phi1 = (lat1*Math::PI)/180
  phi2 = (lat2*Math::PI)/180

  deltaPhi = ((lat2-lat1)*Math::PI)/180

  deltaLambda = ((lon2-lon1)*Math::PI)/180

  a = Math.sin(deltaPhi/2) * Math.sin(deltaPhi/2) + Math.cos(phi1) * Math.cos(phi2) * Math.sin(deltaLambda/2) * Math.sin(deltaLambda/2)
  c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a))

  distance = r * c

  return distance

#Decides whether to count a dated coordinate as part of the same trip or not, based on the time threshold
def threshold_decider(dated_coords) #dated_coords is an array of coordinate pairs with their time, format: [time,[lat,long]]
  threshold = 1000 #Set a maximum threshold (in seconds) for a coordinate to be counted in the same trip
  distance = 0
  total_time = 0
  time_period = dated_coords.first[0]-dated_coords.last[0]

  previous_time = dated_coords.first[0]
  previous_lats_longs = dated_coords.first[1]

  dated_coords.each do |dated_coord|
    (distance+=haversine(previous_lats_longs, dated_coord[1])) && (total_time+=(previous_time-dated_coord[0])) if previous_time-dated_coord[0] <= threshold
    previous_time = dated_coord[0]
    previous_lats_longs = dated_coord[1]

This is the meat of the threshold decider. Pretty simple. Almost exactly identical to the old Haversine distance calculator I wrote to get me aggregate distances, except the distances only get calculated/added if they are within the temporal threshold.

This is pretty much the context I have it in right now, with the file-reader and human-friendly-displayer (et al) to quickly display some of the stats that I am interested in seeing:

require 'time'

#Uses the Haversine formula to calculate the distance between two lat, long coordinate pairs
def haversine(old_lats_longs, new_lats_longs)
  lat1 = old_lats_longs[0]
  lon1 = old_lats_longs[1]
  lat2 = new_lats_longs[0]
  lon2 = new_lats_longs[1]

  r = 6371000
  phi1 = (lat1*Math::PI)/180
  phi2 = (lat2*Math::PI)/180

  deltaPhi = ((lat2-lat1)*Math::PI)/180

  deltaLambda = ((lon2-lon1)*Math::PI)/180

  a = Math.sin(deltaPhi/2) * Math.sin(deltaPhi/2) + Math.cos(phi1) * Math.cos(phi2) * Math.sin(deltaLambda/2) * Math.sin(deltaLambda/2)
  c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a))

  distance = r * c

  return distance

#Decides whether to count a dated coordinate as part of the same trip or not, based on the time threshold
def threshold_decider(dated_coords) #dated_coords is an array of coordinate pairs with their time, format: [time,[lat,long]]
  threshold = 1000 #Set a maximum threshold (in seconds) for a coordinate to be counted in the same trip
  distance = 0
  total_time = 0
  time_period = dated_coords.first[0]-dated_coords.last[0]

  previous_time = dated_coords.first[0]
  previous_lats_longs = dated_coords.first[1]

  dated_coords.each do |dated_coord|
    (distance+=haversine(previous_lats_longs, dated_coord[1])) && (total_time+=(previous_time-dated_coord[0])) if previous_time-dated_coord[0] <= threshold
    previous_time = dated_coord[0]
    previous_lats_longs = dated_coord[1]

  display(time_period, total_time, distance)

#Reads the file of sorted Google Location History data
def reader()
  dated_coords = [] #An array of coordinate pairs with their timestamp, format: [timestamp,[lat,long]]

  File.open("inVehicle.txt", 'r') do |file|
    file.each_line do |line|
      columns = line.split("\t")
      dated_coords << [Time.parse(columns[0]),[columns[1].to_f,columns[2].to_f]]


def sec_to_year(seconds)

def sec_to_hour(seconds)

def sec_to_day(seconds)

def m_to_km(meters)

def m_to_mi(meters)

#Displays all the information in a way that humans like to read
def display(time_period, total_time, distance)
  puts "The time period was #{sec_to_year(time_period).round(2)} years!"
  puts "The total distance gone over that full time period was #{m_to_km(distance).round} kilometers, or #{m_to_mi(distance).round} miles!"
  puts "You spent #{sec_to_hour(total_time).round} hours doing it!"
  puts "That is an average of #{(m_to_mi(distance)/sec_to_day(time_period)).round(2)} miles per day!"
  puts "You've spent #{((total_time/time_period)*100).round(2)}% of your time doing this activity!"
  puts "You've averaged #{(m_to_mi(distance)/sec_to_hour(total_time)).round}mph!"


So! Let us see some of my results I got with the threshold set to 1,000 seconds.


The time period was 2.8 years!

The total distance gone over that full time period was 5543 kilometers, or 3445 miles!

You spent 1864 hours doing it!

That is an average of 3.37 miles per day!

You’ve spent 7.6% of your time doing this activity!

You’ve averaged 2mph!


The time period was 2.79 years!

The total distance gone over that full time period was 3047 kilometers, or 1894 miles!

You spent 297 hours doing it!

That is an average of 1.86 miles per day!

You’ve spent 1.22% of your time doing this activity!

You’ve averaged 6mph!

In a Vehicle:

The time period was 2.8 years!

The total distance gone over that full time period was 31394 kilometers, or 19511 miles!

You spent 1299 hours doing it!

That is an average of 19.12 miles per day!

You’ve spent 5.3% of your time doing this activity!

You’ve averaged 15mph!

All sounds pretty reasonable to me! Except maybe the speeds for all three seem pretty low. Likely because I am already including lots of time periods of me not moving. But the distances/day seem like roughly what I would expect to see. Anyhow, not much I can do with this now except futz with the threshold and see what seems most reasonable.