I knitted the Festive Romulan Winter Sweater from Star Trek Online, or as I have termed it, the Rihanpeysa. My favorite part of the design is the quilted shoulder pad accents. And the D’deridex cruisers too, I guess.

Steen's home of the certainly strange
I knitted the Festive Romulan Winter Sweater from Star Trek Online, or as I have termed it, the Rihanpeysa. My favorite part of the design is the quilted shoulder pad accents. And the D’deridex cruisers too, I guess.
The meme of the long-time nuclear waste warning booty shorts is consistently the most hilarious thing I can imagine. I think this is when it was first made up: https://twitter.com/Mochasucculent/status/1256386154653380608
So anyhow, I figured, what if Colonel Hakeev in long-time nuclear waste warning booty shorts?
Then I thought, what if *me* in long-time nuclear waste warning booty shorts??
I can tell you it is the best.