8bitSF: My Musical Debut

Last Thursday was the first time I had ever sang on stage. Doc told me that he needed me to sing on stage with him for his album release show (Destroy All Presets), so I did. He also asked his friend Rob to sing and help him play synth sounds. The three of us practiced a few times to get ready for the show, and then when the time came we all had a great time.

La Vie en Photos has a few excellent photos and videos of the show, some of which can be seen here: http://www.lavieenphotos.net/p626709717

Doc had a cold for about a week before the show, and I thought that I had successfully escaped the virus. But then, since I had stayed up all night for the show, come Friday morning I had been infected. I would still do it all again, though!

My Stolen Fixie

Thursday of last week, one of my neighbours left the garage door open when they drove off, and a thief came into our garage and stole my poor old fixie, Bikey Red.

My bike at the Ferry Building.
Bikey Red at the Ferry Building, which was one of her favourite places to go.

Let’s be honest here: it was a cheap piece of crap. But I loved it dearly, and had a lot of emotional attachment to it. I am a bit bitter that the thief ignored all of my neighbour’s bikes to take mine, since I am not the one that left the door open. But I realize that my bike looks very flashy and expensive with all its white and red (even though it is in fact very cheap and crappy), so that must have been why they chose it.

Then, later that night, the thief came back to our apartment complex. Luckily, Doc was taking a walk, and found the door open upon his return and quickly closed it. So the thief kicked in a window screen to try to gain access to the building / garage. Scary stuff. Doc says that our neighbour left Pandora’s Garage Door open, thus plaguing us with this eternal thief.

I went to Mission Bicycle and drooled over their beautiful bikes. This was my chance to design any sort of bike I wanted, I could customize it much farther than I had ever customized anything before. But as I clicked through the choices on their online Build Your Bike, I found that I just kept trying to make a new Bikey Red. Over and over I tried, but they were all wrong; “no no no, Bikey Red had two red spokes on the back wheel! THIS IS HORRIBLE EVERYTHING IS WRONG.” I should take this opportunity to make a whole new bike straight from my imagination, but for some reason all I want is a new bike that looks completely identical to my old one.

Part of me also wishes that the thief could have stolen some of the stuff that I’ve been needing to throw out; you know, while he was at it. But that is hoping too much.

Good-bye Bikey Red, somebody else will be taking care of you now. I hope the thief sells you really cheap to somebody who cannot afford an expensive bike, and that they can know the joy that is Bikey Red.

Guts of Glory!

I got to play Guts of Glory this week, which was a lot of fun. Doc had backed the Kickstarter to get the game, which is a boardgame set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where you compete for glory by eating various things. Things like tapeworms, spiders, and… the moon. The items vary in how tough they are to eat, as well as how much glory they reward you (if successfully eaten).

Doc photobombing my documentation attempts.

You can also sabotage your fellow players by chewing their items, forcing them to chew your items, or spewing unwanted items at them. Everybody in our group seemed to get pretty underhanded pretty fast. Which I think is the point.

Also, you apparently have to be the same colour piece as is indicated by the trim on your mouth board, but Dean and I did not want that so we switched pieces. Doc said we couldn’t do that, but we did anyway and nothing bad happened. You must understand, I NEEDED the pointy-teeth-forked-tongue board with the yellow trim, but I also NEEDED to be the really round and fat blue piece. Needed to be it. And apparently Dean needed to be the yellow guy with tiny feet. I guess what I am saying is, that Doc was wrong and you can switch up the pieces however you want.

And now Dean is photobombing my documentation attempts. That’s it, I give up on getting a natural picture of the game in progress.

Above all I intensely love the amazing artwork. I have a soft spot for post apocalyptic aesthetics, and of course this game has such a fun and goofy twist on it that I find it impossible not to love. I think I might be addicted to this game now.

Nobody ever did manage to eat the moon, by the way. Although there were many attempts, and it seemed to show up in every single game. Nobody swallowed the moon.